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ChunkyChula's Flan Fever Iced Coffee with Chock full o' Nuts

English Ingredients: Sweetened Condensed Milk Evaporated Milk Cinnamon Powder Whipped Cream Chock full...
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Sweet and Salty Charcuterie Board with Oreo

Ingredients: Colby and Monterey Jack cheese Thinly sliced deli-style roasted turkey breast RITZ Crackers TRISCUIT... Read

All American Stuffed Pepper's with Ben's Original Rice

Ingredients: 4 cups Ben’s Original™ Long Grain White Rice, cooked 1 Teaspoon salt 3 large bell peppers, cut... Read

Creamy Hot Elote Dip with Hellmann's

Ingredients: 6 ears of corn on the cob (about 2 cups of corn kernels) 1/2 cup Hellmann’s® or Best Foods®... Read

Chili Chicken Tacos with Country Crock

Ingredients: For the tacos: 2 large onions, chopped 2 (1.13 ounce) packages taco seasoning mix 1/4 cup + 6... Read

Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream Slices with Ben & Jerry's

Ingredients: 2 pints Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream or Non-Dairy 2 cups crispy peanut butter... Read

DoritosĀ® Cheeseburger Nachos

Ingredients: 1 qt Doritos® Nacho Cheese Flavored Tortilla Chips 1 cup mild cheddar cheese sauce, canned 1 cup... Read

Special K French Toast

Ingredients: 1 egg, slightly beaten 2 tablespoons milk 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup Kellogg’s® Special K®... Read

Bacon and Egg Cottage Breakfast Crunch Wrap with Breakstone's

Ingredients: 6 eggs 1 cup BREAKSTONE’S Cottage Cheese 1/4 cup finely chopped fresh chives 1/4 cup spicy... Read

Oven Roasted Birds Eye Brussels Sprouts with Balsamic Dressing

Ingredients: 1 bag (10.8 oz each) Birds Eye® Steamfresh Brussels Sprouts PAM® Olive Oil No-Stick Cooking Spray ... Read