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El Jibarito: Sandwich de Platanos

Aug 31, 2021

Have you been able to enjoy a jibarito on the streets of Puerto Rico? Whether you have or haven't, we are bringing this traditional Puerto Rican recipe to you and your family to recreate at home! We partnered with food personality, Evette Rios, for her recipe inspired by a food truck she visited during her college years on la isla. If you make this recipe, let us know by tagging us in your photos on Instagram @ctown.supermarkets.



  • 2 large green plantains
  • 1/8 cup mayonnaise
  • 1/8 cup ketchup 
  • Garlic minced
  • Lemon juice
  • 4 handfuls lettuce
  • 1 tomato (thinly sliced)
  • 1 onion (peeled and cut into slivers) (soak for 20 mins in a little apple cider vinegar)
  • 4 slices Swiss cheese (sliced for sandwiches)
  • 1/4 pound roast beef (thinly sliced) (or whatever meat you prefer)


  • Heat oil to 375 degrees
  • Cut plantains in half then lengthwise in half
  • Fry one time 
  • Remove from oil flatten and fry again
  • Set aside on a paper towel
  • Make mayo ketchup
  • Put equal parts of mayonnaise and ketchup together with minced garlic and a squeeze of lemon juice (to taste)
  • Spread mayo ketchup on the plátanos
  • Top with pickled onions, tomato, lettuce, cheese and whatever meat you prefer



  •  2 plátanos verdes grandes
  • 1/8 taza de mayonesa
  • 1/8 taza de salsa de tomate
  • Ajo picado
  • Jugo de limon
  • 4 puñados de lechuga
  • 1 tomate (en rodajas finas)
  • 1 cebolla (pelada y cortada en rodajas) (remojar durante 20 minutos en un poco de vinagre de sidra de manzana)
  • 4 rebanadas de queso suizo (rebanadas para sándwiches)
  • 1/4 de libra de rosbif (en rodajas finas) (o la carne que prefiera)


  • Caliente el aceite a 375 grados
  • Corte los plátanos por la mitad y luego a lo largo por la mitad
  • Freír una vez Retirar del aceite aplanar y volver a freír
  • Dejar a un lado sobre una toalla de papel
  • Hacer salsa de tomate con mayonesa
  • Ponga a partes iguales mayonesa y salsa de tomate junto con ajo picado y un chorrito de jugo de limón (al gusto)